Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dec 4th - last Guide meeting before Christmas

Another night of caroling - this time for our regular meeting.

The weather was actually quite nice most of the day - it started raining just in time for our Caroling Night!  We caroled at Country Grocer, then walked around South Parkway Plaza and sang twice before returning to sing again at Country Grocer.  We then treated everyone to a Hot Chocolate in the Country Grocer Cafe and the girls all got a 'free' Christmas Cookie.

Nov 30th at Nanaimo Kiwanis Village

We joined with the other two Guide units in our district to see some Christmas songs to seniors at Kiwanis Village at their Christmas Light-Up.  It was obvious our audience really enjoyed the girls' singing!

November 27th - our Guide Christmas Party

The girls had the chance to make some Xmas crafts, and are holding some of their creations in the photo.  On the floor in front are the 'Cups of Kindness' they filled - these will be given to deserving children attending a Christmas breakfast in town.
Our Guide Enrolment on Nov 20th:

On Nov 19th we visited a local Seniors Centre: we did a 'mini Guide meeting for them.  The photo shows 5 of our special audience - we had about 35 seniors in all.  Many of the women remembered some of the songs we sang from their Guiding days!  We noticed a few singing along, especially with Taps!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Our Hallowe'en Party - we asked the girls to be creative and wear home-made/NOT store-bought costumes - this is what we all looked like: