Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I'm scrambling to quickly get a post done before the end of September. Hard to believe tomorrow is October - this morning we had the first touch of frost!

We leaders are remembering our very small group of girls at the beginning of last year, and comparing that to our much larger group now. We are thrilled to have 15 Guides so far this year. Our 'ideal' number would be at least 16, to have 4 girls in each Patrol - but we will do our recruiting in a bit more low-key way this year since we definitely do not want to double in size! Our size now is probably a bit big for our space, but just right for activities and the number of leaders we have.

We have about 5 girls who have returned from last year, and the rest are new Guides - Grades 4, 5 and 6.

Last night we had our first Parent Meeting, and we were very lucky that the weather was nice enough for Heather to work outside with the girls. They chose their Patrol names, and did some brainstorming about badges to work on as a unit and individually. After the Parent Meeting the girls came back in (brrrr! outside) - we talked about what we had told the parents, cookies, etc. Then a couple of songs, a game, closing and home.

Next week - October 6th: we meet at the hall, and then with drivers head up to Cinnabar for door-to-door cookie selling. We took 30 cases of cookies to the meeting last night, and I brought 2 cases back into the house. I will be picking up about 10 more cases of cookies this weekend, as we have several girls who sold LOTS of cookies last year in Brownies.